Friday, June 14, 2013

New Arrivals!!!

We Have BABIES!!!

I have a quick but exciting story to share with you. Last night we were suppose to get this gnarly storm so beforehand we moved all the patio furniture and other odds and ins inside to avoid any disaster.  I decided I better check on Mama G out in the compost pile to make sure she is secure for the oncoming storm.  Being the protective Mama, as I approached she slowly started to do her normal clucking. But all of a sudden I swore I heard a "chirp".  I put the flash light on Mama G and I saw a perfectly cracked shell which means only one thing... there must be a baby chick somewhere.  Now let me just remind you that the thunder and lightening is getting closer and closer.  So I reach under and instantly felt a baby and pulled it out. I started screaming to Nicky "we have a baby".  So I proceeded to put the baby chick back when I realized I should probably see if there are any more.  Most of the time a clutch of chicks will all hatch in 24 hours of each other.  I lifted Mama G off the nest for a closer look and "BAM" a total of 9 babies.  Somehow I miss counted the projected due date because I was not expecting them until the weekend.  
Well since the storm was coming I didn't want to disturb them to much so we decided to let them be for the night.  Baby chicks do NOT require food or water for the first 24 hrs.  So the sun came up and we did a few house chores and I started to venture out to check on Mama G and her chicks.  I looked out toward the coop and there she was walking around the yard with babies in tow.  It was the cutest.  
I decided for their comfort and safety to move them to the rabbit hutch till they are a bit bigger. They are bantams so they are no bigger than a golf ball when they are born.  Below are a couple videos of the newbies!!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! My new grand chicks are so cute, tell them MiMi loves them and I can't wait to see them. MOM
