Friday, October 25, 2013

I Know, I Know!!!

Woah now, no hate mail please!!!  I know it has been way toooooo long since I posted. With work, church, garden, chickens, b-days, house, trips, and what the heck lets throw in the hubby too, it has been BUSY!!!!  I almost don't even know where to begin. Ok, here goes.


Didn't get everything out of the garden that we had hoped for but overall it was a success. As usual we learned a ton which can only help in the long run. The following list is everything we planted and how it turned out.

Asparagus- plenty to keep us happy
Corn- did fairly well for selected strain, we let it dry due to cob size and will use for parched corn
Beets- good harvest, picked them a bit early
Yams/Sweet Potato- tops eaten by animal most of season, upon harvest were small in size but edible
Carrots- good yield for amount planted
Cantaloupe- demolished by CHICKENS (little buggers)
Zucchini (3 varieties)- did amazing
Squash (2 varieties)- did amazing
Watermelon- fair (planted to late)
Bell Peppers- half did nothing, other half did great but we're extremely late for harvest
Jalapeños- good harvest
Green Beans- great harvest
Half Runner Beans- good yield, should have trellis to vine, hard to pick
San Marzano tomato- great harvest
Tomato- multiple varieties; did OK
Kohlrabi- great harvest
Peas- good harvest, need to plant more next year
Greens (including lettuce)- amazing harvest
Herbs- (sage, onion chives, garlic chives, basil, thyme)- all abundant, my basil plants were BUSHES!

Here are a few pics I took throughout the season.

Asparagus and Herbs
Garden/New Grapevines
Peas/Watermelon/ Sour Cherries
I am proud to say we used, canned, or gave away most everything we had from the garden.  We canned green beans (regular and pickled), tomato, beets, and made jelly with the sour cherries.  We froze cabbage, jalapeño's, basil, and bell pepper purée. I am sure there are tons of info I am leaving out but my memory is failing me at the moment!!

I will continue updating on the past few months as time allows. Maybe the next update should be CHICKENS!!!!


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