Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Canvas is HERE

The snow is finally melting here in Ohio. Today the chickens had the run of the yard again. It didn't take them five minutes to realize they could go right to the back door and POOP! Yes, I think they all decided to run straight to the house and leave land mines on the sidewalk.  
Anyhow, I have a bit of a spring cleaning bug coming on pretty strong so everything in this house had better be on it's best behavior or it could go straight in the TRASH! But before the cleaning is to begin I get to hang my new canvas that I finally received in the mail today.  It does look nice but I did learn one lesson from this experience.  The company I used convinced me to send them the unedited file of my photo instead of one that I had photoshopped.  I should have sent them exactly what I wanted because they didn't crop everything the way I had explained. Oh well there is always next time. I ordered the 3 panel photosplit but I like the first panel with the truck so much I may not even hang the other two.

Next on the agenda as always is my dinner. Tonight Nicky made a really good Broccoli and Potato soup. Delish! For further instruction see below per the CHEF.

1- Sauté the broccoli stems with some white potato and onion in butter until translucent then add some chicken stock and cook until very soft. 
2- Puree and add some milk mixed with a touch of flour, and seasonings… salt, pepper, cayenne, etc…
3- Caramelize some sweet potatoes, blanch some cubed white potatoes and broccoli, and crisp some bacon.
4- Mix it all in one pot with some cheddar

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