Now that all the presents have been delivered and unwrapped its time to upload all the photos. I go a little crazy with the camera most of the time and this year was no exception. By the end of the week I took somewhere around 800-900 photos. So now the challenge is getting them organized. I have managed to separate them into folders and upload 6 of 9 to Facebook. I thought I would share a few of my favorites; it sure was tough not to post 100 of them.... oh well here are a few that make me SMILE!!
Aunt, Sister, Mom and Me |
Me and Taylor |
Nicky and Dusty |
Me and Lain |
Rose and Callie |
Roberta and Martin |
The past few days have been a true Winter Wonderland here in Ohio. Although it makes for some wonderful photos it wasn't so friendly on the chickens. After being cooped up for about a week I opened the door yesterday and four of them proceeded to fly out!!! Two ended up on the roof of the coop, one on the chicken run and one got so disoriented it skidded in the snow and sunk about 6 inches in the snow. I don't think she knew what to do. She was stuck in the snow and wasn't even trying to get out. So after I snapped a picture of course, I went to rescue her
Hope everyone has a SAFE and Happy New Year!!!
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