Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I have never been much of a writer...in fact being from Texas I am not sure we even go by the rules of Webster. You know the Dictionary. So if you are looking for proper punctuation, grammar and spelling this is probably not the place for you. 
However, if you are just wanting to know some of my trials and tribulations including but not limited to: traveling, gardening, raising chickens, canning, and who knows what else...then you may enjoy looking around. 

I often times go online for this answer or that and have learned that if it weren't for some very talented bloggers out there I may have never found my answer.  So my hope here is that a little peek into my everyday life may answer a question or inspire you in some way. 

Like I said I am new to blogging so it may take me a bit to get the hang of it so bare with me. 


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