Well today was filled with all kinds of excitement. After some nice research on the internet my husband constructed a ramp for the chickens to climb on to get to the roosting rods. Anyone that has chickens knows the higher they can be at night the happier they are. BUT what the chunky hens don't realize is when they fly down off the roost in the morning it feels and sounds like they could break a leg. So we decided to make a ramp for them.
WELL, like everything in life it has been in learning experience. No matter how many blogs and pictures we looked at online we still have to go back and modify. After watching a few of the bigger birds navigate the ramp (after I forced them onto it) we learned it was not wide enough and that we need a few more grips to keep them from sliding around. It will work fine with some extra grips for the Bantam Hens but we will have to make a different ramp for the BIG Ladies. I seriously think one of my hens (Fausta) could be pushing 20 lbs, at least thats what it feels like when she flies up on me to get some extra treats.
Fausta being Greedy! |
I also have one hen (Buffy) who was attacked by the neighbors dog that can not fly very high so she could really benefit from a ramp. It took about two to three weeks but I nursed her back to health and she delivers an egg everyday!! Now we just have to teach them what the ramp is for?!?!?
Buffy healing nice despite the bad DYE job! |
Tonight however we went to a charity event that benefited the
Hope Center. It is a local charity that offers many services to members in the community needing a little help. At the end of the evening they had live music for which my brother in law and nephew played. This was technically my nephews first "gig". He did amazing despite the sweaty palms and nauseating shakes after he stepped off stage. We were all so excited to here him play...and of course he did not disappoint!!!
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